Monday, 30 March 2009

Easter - Why All the Fuss?

As I write this, Easter is not far away. If you’re not sure what Easter is about then read on. If you know someone who doesn’t know what Easter is, refer them to this page. The URL is:

Easter is the main Christian festival. Maybe you thought Christmas was. Without Easter, there’d be no Christmas. Simple as that! Chocolate, bunny rabbits and daffodils are nothing to do with Easter – but there’s nothing wrong in enjoying them (unless, like me, you are not supposed to eat chocolate!).

So why do we celebrate Easter? To deal with a common misconception, it is not about Jesus Christ dying; well, not quite. It’s about Jesus rising from the dead and that is what sealed everything that had gone on before. This blog is not really the place to go into all the details; the headlines don’t so justice to the whole story, so I hope you’ll dig a bit deeper.

Jesus was just 33 when he was put to death. He had been an itinerant preacher for just three years. But in that time he said and did things that were so amazing that they stopped people in their tracks. The basis of his message was one of love, restitution and forgiveness, punctuated by miracles. But the religious leaders of the time said only God could forgive and the realisation that Jesus was the Son of God was too much for them to bear. Well, that's understandable really. What if someone made that claim today? How would we react? But so powerful was his life and the things he said and did that even those who put him to death only did so for political reasons and then admitted that he was the Son of God.

So on Good Friday, the utterly sinless Son of God, in what appeared to be a travesty of justice, was put to death using one of the most horrendous executions ever known to man: crucifixion (nailing to a cross).Incidentally, that’s why the cross is the symbol of Christianity. And it’s an empty cross to show that Christ has overcome the death inflicted on him. So if the Good Friday procession in your town looks a bit solemn, you know why. It's recalling a funeral.

The important thing is that a couple of days later - on the Sunday morning - when people went to the tomb where Jesus' body had been placed, they found it had been unsealed and the grave clothes in a neat pile. And no body was there. Jesus had risen from the dead!!!

If Jesus had not been who he claimed to be, then that would have been the end of it. He perhaps would be remembered as another prophet and not much more. Certainly no Easter – and no Christmas either. But by conquering death, he proved to the world that what he said was true. Most certainly it is life after death, not just for him, but for all who follow him.

Let may say here, I am not suggesting anyone should follow Jesus in the say way we follow a politician, a footballer or football team. It’s deeper than that. It’s about a relationship with him. This is a relationship in the spiritual part of our being and millions and millions and millions of people have found this. So don’t be put off by those who say it’s rubbish or God doesn’t exist. Too many people have proved it. It’s like someone who has never been hungry or in pain campaigning that hunger and pain do not exist! Those who earnestly seek Jesus will find him. But sadly there will be those who will not seek.

I expect some who read this will have a number of "yes, but" reactions. That's fine, but seek out the truth. As I said there is so much about Jesus and the more you study the Bible and the more it gels. Initial thoughts and criticisms can be answered if you are willing to approach with an open mind and then, with all the information, decide for yourself.

If you are interested, look for an Alpha course near you or contact a lively Christian church. Check out Or contact me.


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